Team | Timepath




Hi. On the team, i focus on inspiring great achievements, fostering development, evaluating progress, and planning for future successes.
My hobbies include mountain hiking, outdoor activities, and running.
Here’s a joke: 'Timepath is probably the only company that manages its own timepath'.


Associate Director

Hi. My name is Alexander. My main responsibilities include planning, organizing, managing, and controlling project tasks. In our team we achieve results through self-discipline and mutual respect. I am inspired by working on a typical customer requirements and implementing interesting functionalities. I can't imagine life without active entertainment.


Technical Director

Hi! I'm involved in the development and support of information systems, architecture design, and technology development for the company. I help research and implement best practices in development, specifically, and in production processes generally. I like learning about new and unusual solutions and challenges. In my free time I read books and travel with my family.


Development Team Leader

Hi everyone! My name is Kristina. I participate in hiring developers for the team and help them integrate into the workflow. I am responsible for forming a friendly and reliable team, ready to take on tasks of any complexity. I also develop and support the company's systems. I spend all my free time with my children and sometimes go jogging in the morning. I provide support to team members in need.



Hi. My name is Anastasia and I'm involved in development and support of information systemsand I resolve incidents reported by technical support. In my free time, I enjoy active recreation.



Hi, I'm Dima. I like everything to work according to the user's expectations. I'm mainly involved in frontend.
“That's not how we've done it yet.” is my favorite phrase
I work out after work and sometimes take photos.



Hi everyone, my name is Artem. I am involved in development and support of company products. In my spare time I study radio engineering and all things electrical.


Project Manager

Hi! My name is Ilya. My main activity involves communicating with the customers and users to ensure smooth operation of our projects and solving any technical problems that may arise. The rest of my time is spent on active recreation, including snowboarding, catamaran sailing, and camping.

If you have an idea for a collaborative project, email us
We'll discuss it in our office over a cup of tea


Are you an experienced specialist seeking a job where the team atmosphere helps you thrive? Or an aspiring developer, analyst, or tester looking for an exciting internship opportunity? Then write to us!
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